Golf Course Superintendents

Happy Roots, Happy Superintendents

Greens and fairways take a beating from foot traffic, divots, golf carts and weather. Our all-natural diatomaceous earth product helps build strong root systems. If your turf is sub-par, we can help!

Whether you’re building a new course or maintaining a heavily trafficked links, AxisDE can build strong roots, strengthen grass and help grass survive hot weather. This is golf course turf management at its best!

AxisDE keeps working, never de-composes and is a self-cleaning filtration system.

“The better IA products are very uniform and therefore make quality control easier, unlike peat and compost, which can vary considerably in water content, other physical attributes, and chemical properties during the blending operation. Inorganic amendments are very dry and flowable, making blending much easier and more consistent. Inorganic amendments will displace a significant volume within a mix with sand, whereas peat does not. For example, blending 7,000 cubic yards of a 90:10 sand-IA rootzone mix will require approximately 10% less sand than a 90:10 sand-peat mix.”

New Construction

For greens construction, pre-mix AXIS Fine off-site at 10% by volume.

“The internal pores of IAs increase effective surface area within the rootzone and are small enough to retain water against the pull of gravity (capillary) as well as increasing cation exchange capacity (surface chemistry). The amount of CEC depends on the mineral source of the IA; generally, zeolites have the greatest CEC.”

Improvement of Existing Courses

Greens Aerification: Apply AXIS or Sand and Axis separately. Drag into holes & irrigate.


Golf Course Turf Management


Drill & Fill Aeration

This technique can apply 155 lbs (about 6 cubic feet) of AXIS Fine per 1000 sq. ft. up to 10″ deep and is especially useful in correcting problem areas where layers, poor drainage or insufficient water holding limit the turf quality. Drill & Fill aertion delivers amendments deeply to allow air and water to pass through the rootzone and beyond.

Dryject Aeration

DryJect Franchise Operators can apply up to 6 cubic feet of AXIS Fine per 1000 sq. ft. with the only aeration system that cuts and fills the same hole with minimal disruption to the surface and play. Amendments can extend 4″ to 5″ deep depending on thatch, soil moisture, and texture; with either tighter or broader spacing than typical aeration.

Deep Tine Aeration

Deep tine aeration penetrate about 10″ and allow room for similar volumes as the aerators above. These tractor mounted attachments aerate only and require additional steps to apply amendments and work into holes.

New Seed Germination

Dimple see bed with knobby tires, apply 100lbs AXIS Fine per 1000 sq. ft., and seed into the AXIS.

AXIS golf course greens

Check out this article from the USGA on soil amendments.
